Patient Signup
Thank you for joining the MS Cure Fund community of people living with MS. Yes PEOPLE (not patients) LIVING with a disorder, not a disease.
People living with MS should be proud of themselves for getting up every day regardless of the uncertainty of what that day will bring. THRIVING BEYOND MS is what it is all about. So welcome to our home founded by a person living with MS and thriving in life.
Susan Strachan
MS Cure Fund Founder
Diagnosed April, 2000
Your personal information will never be shared, sold or used in any other way. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. We ask these questions to better understand our MS community, become aware of trends and most importantly, unmet needs. Your answers will give us the ability to focus resources on where they are needed most, and how best to advocate on your behalf to inmprove the casre and reduce the costs for those living with MS and their families and caregivers. So thank you in advance for you cooperation, you will personally inprove the care of people living with MS by sharing your story.