Winter DER Program
MS Cure Fund wants to help answer some questions patients frequently ask at our dinner programs: what am I supposed to be eating? How often should I work out? From these questions, MS Cure Fund created a new program for 2014: DER. Spelled out, ‘DER’ stands for Diet, Exercise and Rest. More importantly, it stands for how, not only MS patients but, everyone should live their lives. Each aspect of your day should be mindful of your diet, exercise and rest.
Our first speaker of the day was Ann Cabot, DO from Concord Hospital. Dr. Cabot spoke primarily on the importance of keeping active, even in the smallest ways. From taking walks a few times per week to trying yoga, Dr. Cabot made it clear that your movements do not have to be astronomical to make a difference in the way you feel.
Dr. Cabot’s presentation was followed by one featuring a nutritionist specializing in Multiple Sclerosis, Jodi Gorman, RD, LDN of The Boston Home in Dorchester, MA. Jodi broke down the different food groups and what nutrients are most important to those with MS. From fish oil supplements to vitamin D intake, she covered a lot of ground, fielding questions from our participants.
To add to the testimonials by Dr. Cabot on the importance of physical activity for those with MS, the Department of Conservation and Recreation sent over Program Director Gigi Ranno to speak on its behalf. Gigi, an MS patient herself, is very familiar with the physical limitations of MS. She provided both literature and a video presentation which highlights the different adaptive sports that those with MS could participate in, from kayaking to biking.
The DER program concluded with an adaptive yoga session with Cindy Gittleman.
Thank you to all who attended and participated to make this day a success!